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Software to Protect Your Child Online? [in Australia]

Do you want to know what your child is looking at online with monitoring software from SouthEast IT? Ask us how we can help you set this up.

If you’re looking to protect your child online without worring about sites or content they may be exposed to this blog post will help you put your mind at ease.

Protecting your child online is a passion for us at SouthEast IT and after a lot of research we found an ideal, easy to use software solution for this common problem.

In today’s world, children are exposed to technology at an early age. They have access to various devices such as smartphones, tablets, computers, and the internet. While technology can be beneficial, it can also pose a significant risk to child if they are not protected online.

As a society, it is our responsibility to ensure the safety of children online. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why we should protect your child online.

Protect your children image of family looking at iPad

Prevent them from Cyberbullying

One of the biggest risks that children face online is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying refers to the use of technology to harass, humiliate, or threaten another person. Children who are victims of cyberbullying can suffer from anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. In extreme cases, cyberbullying can lead to suicide. As a society, we need to protect children from cyberbullying by monitoring their online activity and teaching them how to respond to cyberbullying.

Stop Exposure to Inappropriate Content

The internet is a vast place, and children can easily stumble upon inappropriate content such as pornography, violent videos, or hate speech. Exposure to such content can have a significant impact on a child’s development and mental health. It is our responsibility to protect children from such content by using parental controls, filters, and monitoring their online activity.

Online Predators

Online predators are individuals who use the internet to exploit children for sexual purposes. They often target children who are vulnerable or naive. Online predators can groom children by building trust and emotional connections with them. It is crucial to protect children from online predators by monitoring their online activity and teaching them how to stay safe online.

Protect them from Identity Theft

Identity theft is a growing concern in the digital age. Children’s personal information is vulnerable online, and cybercriminals can use it to commit identity theft. It is essential to protect children’s personal information by teaching them how to keep their passwords safe and not to share personal information with strangers online.

Protect children on a laptop

Reduce Your Child’s Online Addiction

Excessive use of technology can lead to online addiction, which can have a negative impact on a child’s physical and mental health. Children who spend too much time online can experience eye strain, headaches, and back pain. They can also become socially isolated and suffer from depression and anxiety.

As a society, we need to protect children from online addiction by monitoring their screen time and encouraging them to engage in other activities such as sports, hobbies, and socializing with friends and family.

It is important to monitor your child’s online activity because it can help you keep them safe from online predators, cyberbullying, and other dangers. By monitoring your child’s digital activity, you can help keep them safe from predators, cyberbullies, and other dangers.

The internet is filled with unfiltered potential for children to be exposed to harmful interactions like bullying and harassment, as well as inappropriate content. Monitoring your child’s digital moves is not an invasion of privacy; rather it is a preventive measure. You can teach your child responsible internet use by monitoring their online activity.

Protect Your Child Online with Qustodio Parental Contol Software

Qustodio is a parental control software that offers comprehensive security and monitoring for children. Parents can monitor their children’s online activity, block their access to certain websites, control what they can do on their devices and much more.

Qustodio is one of the best parental control apps available that offers many features to help monitor your wards’ online activities and prevent inappropriate contact. You can set time limits for your wards, supervise their social media use, block inappropriate websites, monitor messages & calls and much more.

Qustodio offers various features like screen time management, app management, text and call tracking, real-time web and app filtering, social media monitoring features that can be accessed remotely.

The Qustodio app has a simple Family Portal dashboard with easy-to-understand information about how your child is using the internet.

Qustodio has just about every feature an anxious parent wants, including web content filtering, robust app blocking, and a detailed activity log.

You can handle all configuration and monitoring either via Qustodio’s online dashboard or the parental mode of its mobile apps, which means you can set rules and review your child’s activity from anywhere.

Qustodio also offers features like screen time management, text and call tracking, real-time web and app filtering. You can prevent screen addiction, preserve family time, encourage healthy sleep routines with consistent time limits and scheduled downtime. Plus, pause the internet at the touch of a button.

Children being protected online

More Time Online Exposes Children to More Risks

Online Predators

50% of online exploitation victims are between the ages of 12 and 15. Qustodio’s advice articles help you talk to your children about how to spot and avoid data thieves, groomers, sexual predators, and stalkers

Sleep problems

73% of high school students don’t get enough sleep. This can lead to difficulty learning, poor moods, and interpersonal conflicts. Use Qustodio to set downtimes before bed, so your child can avoid sleep-disrupting blue light

Online addiction

50% of children admit to being addicted to their smartphones. Qustodio lets you set consistent time limits on your child’s devices and block apps that they use excessively.

Online privacy

51% of teens use social media. Qustodio helps you ensure they don’t share personal information or exchange inappropriate messages with strangers.

Mental health issues

Severe depression has increased 58% since 2010, coinciding with an increase in cell phone ownership. Qustodio can help you limit the amount of time your child spends in front of screens.

Inappropriate content

42% of children have seen porn online. Use Qustodio to monitor YouTube viewing, filter browser results, and block adult websites to reduce the chances your child sees upsetting images or content.


33% of children have experienced cyberbullying. Use Qustodio to monitor texts so you can catch and block bullies.

Education issues

The 63% of children who have more than 2 hours of daily screen time show lower academic performance than those who spend less time online. Use Qustodio to reduce their device use and encourage them to visit educational websites.

Why Qustodio?

SouthEast IT prides itself on researching relevent, high quality, IT solutions that work. We have been using this software for our families for a while now. Even my 12 year old son, who was able to hack other solutions, has not been able to bypass or remove this software from his laptop, iPhone and iPad.

It works on all devices that they need to use for school and entertainment at home.

As parent this is a fine balance to provide them with the digital resources they need without the worry of exposure to online risks and inappropriate content.

You can see what your child is searching Google for as well as setting the video rating age level for YouTube videos specifically.

Best of all you get an easy to use “Pause the internet button” that will stop all their devices from accessing the internet when you decide they need a digital break.

Want to get this monitoring software for your child?

Southeast IT use and can help setup this monitoring software to help you protect your family.

To purchase the software please click here

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