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You may not think you don’t know much about VoIP but you are already using it. If you have the NBN then you are.
All phone lines with the NBN are now VoIP lines.
So why consider a VoIP system for your business then?
There are plenty of customisable options with the set up of VoIP to tailor it to your needs. One popular example is choosing how many people’s phones ring in your business, whether they are on location or offshore such as The Philippines.
You can also add custom answering to specific inquiries. Plus you can track employee productivity by how many calls were answered by each employee.
You can even route the calls to the person who is answering the least number of phone calls. It’s easy and fast to change who is answering phone calls and you can do it all yourself without our assistance.
To setup VoIP system, it’s a simple process for our professional team. After it’s installed, training and instructions are provided to your team and then you can control the number of employees who can answer the phone at any time.
Contact SouthEast IT today if you are wondering about a VoIP phone system to improve your company’s customer service and your team’s performance.