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Streamlining Outlook for business

Microsoft Outlook Features to Maximise Workplace Efficiency For Your Business

Collaborate and Organise your business needs with Micrsosoft Outlook. Get the most out of Outlook with built in features and shortcuts

Outlook is a popular business email and calendar management tool, allowing you to seamlessly incorporate collaboration and organisation into the workplace.

It’s compatible with Google Workspace and IMAP/IPOP3.

In this blog post, we look at ways to use Outlook more effectively and in ways you never thought about.

How can Microsoft Outlook streamline my business needs?

By leveraging these below features effectively, Outlook can help streamline communication, enhance organization, and boost overall productivity in your business.


Enhanced email security

Junk mail filtering

Prevent the display of external contents from unfamiliar sources or contacts


Versatile application on various platforms


Flexibility to integrate third-party applications

Use Skype or Teams to enhance productivity and manage calendar appointments or reminders


Efficient asset organisation with user-friendly features

Tailor application to specific needs and preferences

Increase your business’ productivity with these built in features

One of the best ways to keep on top of your work is by using a task management tool. Microsoft’s To Do is an excellent example, allowing you to create and manage daily tasks across all your devices.

Your inbox can quickly become confusing to navigate and manage if you’ve not organised your emails, contacts, calendars and to-do lists. Luckily, you can easily and quickly do this with Outlook folders.

Another great way to declutter your emails is with Focused Inbox, essentially sorting your emails into two folders. It automatically stores important emails in “Focused”, whereas junk mail is saved in “Other”.

You can easily move emails between these inboxes and use “Always Move to Focused” so that emails from particular senders always end up in “Focused”. You can turn it on and off by going to settings, where you’ll see a Focused Inbox toggle.

For anyone who shares calendars, it’s definitely worth checking out Scheduling Assistant in the mobile app.

This nifty feature allows you to set up meetings and check someone’s availability, meaning you no longer need to send multiple emails to work out if people are busy or not.

When you want to get the attention of someone, just mention their name in an email (e.g. @Nicholas). It becomes highlighted and will also be added to the “To” line of an email or meeting invite.

When you’re checking your emails on a smartphone or tablet, you can use Swipe Options to access common actions like mark as read, mark as unread, archive, flag and delete quickly.

You have the option to swipe right or left for any of these actions – just go into settings to get started.

If you want to write an email to send in the near future, Outlook gives you the option to delay delivery. After you’ve drafted an email message, go to Options and select Delay Delivery.

When you click on this, you’ll see a field that says “Do not deliver before”. Here, you can set a date and time. Then hit send, and the email will go out on the selected date.

For sending important and sensitive information, you can set up encryption for emails and attachments. This means that the recipient will only be able to access them using a security key.

If you want a professional email signature and don’t know where to start, you needn’t worry as you can download templates from Microsoft. You can then just paste the one you want into an email and add your details.

Rules also make managing your emails easier. You can use them to flag, organise and reply to emails automatically. Right click on an email or folder; then you’ll see the option to create a rule.

If you’re conscious about whether someone has received or read your email, we’d recommend setting up delivery and read receipts. In an email, click Options > Tracking > Request a Delivery Receipt or Request a Read Receipt.

there’s a shortcut for that

Ctrl + Shift + Enter to send an email

Ctrl + Shift + M to write a new email

Ctrl + Shift + Q to create a meeting

Ctrl + Shift + C to add a contact

Ctrl + B to access your address book

Ctrl + 2 to open your calendar

Want More?

Check out Microsoft’s Outlook training to further develop your skillset

How do I get it?

Outlook is available through Microsoft’s 365 Standard and Premium license packages

As a Microsoft partner, SouthEast IT can help you find the right product for your business

Find out more about what Microsoft package best suits your needs here or

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